Shipper API
PRISMA API - Business Information
Introduction The PRISMA API allows you to request from and submit data to the PRISMA platform directly on your IT system. With the PRISMA API, you can s...
General terms and conditions for the use of the PRISMA API
The General Terms and Conditions for the use of the PRISMA API are available here.
Activation of PRISMA Shipper API
Overview The PRISMA shipper API is an IT infrastructure, which permits you to use the platform without using the graphical UI. With this service, you can ...
PRISMA shipper API error list
Code Definition 200 Successful operation Successful retrieval of FCFS booking Successful retrieval of auction(s) Successful retrieval of secondary tr...
How to view the error messages when using Swagger?
Overview In case you face an error in Swagger when calling the data via shipper API, use this article to see the reason of the error. Although Swagger...
How to place a short term bid using the Shipper API?
Overview In this article, you can find the step-by-step instructions of placing a bid via Shipper API. Example workflow below from Swagger application i...
How to place a bid using Balancing group and/or Portfolio code
Overview In this article, you can find the step-by-step instructions of placing a bid using Balancing groups and Portfolio codes via Shipper API. Exampl...
How can I start using the PRISMA Shipper API?
After the registration to the service, as described here, the PRISMA shipper API is activated immediately. It is possible to upgrade at any time, downgradin...
How to Book Regular FCFS Capacity through the Shipper API?
Overview With the add-on FCFS Shipper API Service, you can book Regular FCFS capacity at different network points. You can test this functionality on th...
How to Retrieve the Network Point ID through the Shipper API?
Overview If you don't know the network point at which you'd like to place an auction bid or book FCFS capacity, you can use the Shipper API to...