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What is the Timeline of the Second Mid-Term Matching Round (March 2025)?
The next mid-term matching round will begin on March 12th, 2025. In this round, buyers will be able to submit their demand for discrete six-month periods: S...
How to Use Your Activity Feed?
Overview The Activity Feed displays all your transactions within the last 30 days. Here, you can sort and survey your or your company's activities w...
How to view and edit your company details?
Overview As a shipper admin, can edit some of your company details: namely, (1) company address, (2) bank details, (3) billing address and add (4) a cap...
How to Activate Standard Reports for Your Company?
Overview If you want to receive daily platform-generated reports of your company transactions, you must now activate the creation of standard reports. T...
Uniform Price Algorithm
Introduction The uniform price algorithm is used for all short-term auctions (day-ahead and within-day). Through this mechanism, the allocation and pric...
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