Registration and Access
How can I register as new user for an existing shipper company?
If you would like to become a user for a company that is already registered on PRISMA, you must be added by the company's shipper admin in his account. ...
Error 'The VAT number invalid'
In the registration step, the user needs to provide the VAT number of the company as it appears in the ENTSO-E database. The VAT field can contain only capi...
How can I view my colleagues' bids?
If you would like to view the activity of all the registered users of your company on PRISMA, go to (1) "Platform settings", (2) "General pla...
What are the login policies?
Overview With the new authentication solution that has been introduced at PRISMA, new rules concerning password and token have come into place. Things ...
What do I do after I have requested an assignment with an operator?
After you have requested an assignment with an operator: (1) go to our market participants' view; (2) find the corresponding operator; (3) downloa...
I am trying to register a new user, but the registration fails. Why?
If you, a shipper admin, are trying to register a new user for your shipper company, but receive the following error: “The registration failed for an unknow...
I'm trying to register my company, but I receive the error "You don't have permission to do this action"
If you got to the last step of registering your company on the platform, but after submitting your application, the error "You don't have permissio...
My company's EIC code is not accepted for registration
For your registration as a shipper on the PRISMA platform, you need to have a valid EIC Code. If you successfully requested it and it was added to th...