What Is an Energy Identification Code (EIC) and how do I get one?
What is an EIC? The Energy Identification Coding scheme (EIC) provides unique identification codes to market participants and other entities active with...
What Are the Phases of a Tender Process on AggregateEU?
Overview On AggregateEU, the tender is the process whereby gas demand is collected, aggregated and ultimately matched to sell bids. Each tender proce...
Requests for Expression of Interest in Offering “Agent-on-Behalf” and “Central Buyers” Services
Overview Requests for Expression of interest in offering “Agent-on-Behalf” services and “Central buyers” services, in the context of the demand aggregat...
List of Agents-on-Behalf and Central Buyers
Overview If you're unwilling to request the minimum amount of 300 GWh in LNG Tenders (location/month) or the minimum demand of 5 GWh in NBP Tenders ...
What is LNG?
Overview LNG stands for Liquefied Natural Gas. On AggregateEU, you may participate in LNG Tenders by submitting your gas demand as a buyer or responding...
What is NBP?
Overview NBP stands for National Balancing Point. According to the NBP model, gas located anywhere within the national transmission system of a country ...
What Are Financial Instruments?
Overview In the context of the AggregateEU platform for demand aggregation and the joint purchase of natural gas, buyers and sellers will assess the credit...
How to get support from public financial institutions?
Overview Some public financial institutions are willing to assess requests to provide financial support for gas purchase in line with their rules and co...
What Is The Timeline of the Short-Term Tendering Round 1?
The first tendering round of AggregateEU will allow for demand and bids to be placed for the months of June 2023 until and including May 2024. The tende...
What Is The Timeline of the Short-Term Tendering Round ?
The second tendering round of AggregateEU will allow for demand and bids to be placed for the months of August 2023 until and including March 2025. T...