How do I translate the PRISMA website?
It is possible to translate the PRISMA website into a variety of languages using Google Chrome. To do so: a. Right click on the page you want to transl...
How To Clear The Browser Cache
Clearing the browser cache can be of help in the event of those 404 error messages, login problems and other errors that may potentially result from a corru...
Long-term Comfort bids Troubleshooting
Comfort bids allow you to place a bid for future auctions or bidding rounds without being online during the actual bidding time. It can ease the bidding pro...
What should I do if a report is not properly shown in Excel?
Sometimes, a report downloaded from the platform might not be shown properly in Excel, for instance, when it comes to the regulated tariff or other fees. ...
Which TLS versions are supported by PRISMA?
As off April 29th, 2020, PRISMA will stop supporting TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 - which are no longer considered sufficiently secure - and will instead use th...
Why do I only see auctions or trade proposals at my favourite points?
By default, PRISMA displays auctions and trade proposals at your favourite network points. However, you can change it at any time by clicking the “Show all”...