As an admin, you can also manage your users' operator assignments. It's possible to either add new ones or cancel old ones.
To manage the assignments of your company's users, do as follows:
1. Log into your account;
2. Click on "Operators" on the top menu: the overview of your own assignments opens;
3. Expand the filter to select "All" assignments and group them either by operator or by user of your company;
4. Click on "Filter" to confirm your choice:
5. If you filter by All, you will be able to group them by Operator or User. If you group the results by Operator, make sure you are entering the details of the user under the operator whose assignment you would like to cancel:
6. If, instead, you are filtering by User, enter the details of the operator whose assignment to that user you would like to cancel. Make sure you are entering the details of the operator in the table of the correct user:
7. In the user details, click on "Cancel assignment" to cancel the assignment between that operator and the selected user:
8. Confirm your choice in the pop-up window:
9. The assignment will be cancelled and can be requested again.