As an admin, you can also manage your users' operator assignments. It's possible to either add new ones or cancel old ones.
To manage the assignments of your organization users, do as follows:
1. Log into your account;
2. Click on "Operators" on the top menu: the overview of your own assignments opens;
3. Then, click on "Apply for New Assignment" on the right side:
4. In the next page, you must first select the operator from which you'd like to request an assignment;
5. Then, select the user for whom you're requesting the assignment. You may now request an assignment for multiple users at the same time:
6. Now, read and accept the operator's terms and conditions by ticking the box;
7. If you're requesting an assignment to that operator for the first time, your company should submit the documents listed on the table;
8. Finally, click on "Submit."