How to View the FCFS Bookings of Your Company?

Modified on: Mon, 29 Jul, 2024 at 8:44 AM



If one of your company users has booked FCFS capacity, you can view that transaction directly on the platform. In the Reporting Section, you can access the details of all your past FCFS transactions. It is also possible to download an XLSX report of them or a PDF file with the details of specific bookings.


To view your company's FCFS bookings, do as follows:

1. Log in to the platform;

2. Click on "Reporting" on the top blue menu;

3. Then, click on "My Transactions" right below;

4. Now, expand the filter bar;

5. Click on the "Transaction Type" field;

6. Then, select the FCFS option;

7. Finally, click on "Filter;"

If you're looking for a specific booking, feel free to use other parameters when filtering. If you only filter for FCFS transactions, you will see a report of all your FCFS bookings. 

XLSX Report - scroll to the bottom and click on "XLSX" to download a XLSX copy of the report:

Details and PDF Report - if you wish to view the details of a specific booking, click on "Details" in the relevant row:

On the Details Page, you can download a PDF copy of the booking details by clicking on the PDF button:

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