Check List for Yearly Auctions
Yearly auctions are an important occurrence of the gas year. Therefore, it is advisable for you to check a number of details before this important date:
1. Access your account before bidding day to ensure that there's nothing wrong with your credentials and hardware or mobile token;
2. Ensure that your assignments for the TSOs with which you wish to trade is approved:
3. Ensure that you have a sufficient credit limit with your assigned TSOs;
4. Be advised that we are running incremental capacity auctions;
5. Set your favourite network points in advance, so you can find your auctions more easily;
6. Don't forget that you can set up your bids in advance by creating a long-term comfort bid;
7. If applicable, contact the relevant operator to determine whether you have the correct balancing groups and/or portfolio codes. You can check this by clicking on "Operators" on the main page and then click on the tile of the relevant TSO:
This will lead you to the page below, where you can check your balancing groups and portfolio codes: