If you subscribe to PRISMA's REMIT Reporting service, you can also upload trades concluded outside the platform to report them to ACER. Any user of your company can do so.
To create trades concluded outside of the platform, do as follows:
1. Log into your account;
2. Click on Reporting;
3. Select Secondary Trading;
4. Select External Trades;
5. Click on the Create External Trade button;
6. You will find yourself in the External Trade Wizard:
7. You must then fill in the relevant fields (only fields marked with * are mandatory):
- Contractual Parties: enter the data concerning your company and your counterparty's:
- Master Data: enter the details of the network point at which the trade was concluded:
- Capacity Information: enter the details of the secondary market trade in question:
- Price Information: enter the details of the price and currency used in the transaction:
- Trade Identifier: enter an identifier of your choice for easier finding:

8. Once all mandatory fields are filled, click on Continue:
9. Finally, on the confirmation page, review the details and click on Submit:
As soon as the trade is saved, the corresponding XML file is generated and sent to ACER and, if applicable, to the email you have set.
Note: Keep in mind that you are responsible for entering the correct and relevant data to ensure the correct creation of the REMIT reporting XML files. If incorrect data is provided, the XML file might not be created or wrong information will be reported to ACER.