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What Does Each of the Organisation Contacts Mean?
Dispatching (Central) Under Dispatching Central, you should list an on-call contact number from your company's dispatching department, which is avai...
How to Add the Shipper Role to your Organisation?
Overview If you wish to join the PRISMA Platform and/or AggregateEU, you must go through the registration process on PRISMA: PRISMA Registration. After ...
How to report the negotiation status of matched positions and contracts?
Overview If you, as a buyer, have successfully gotten matching offers for your demand and entered the negotiation phase, you have to report the followin...
What Are Permission Groups?
Overview As an administrator, you can manage which users have access to different services on the platform. In other words, you can decide who is ent...
Requests for Expression of Interest in Offering “Agent-on-Behalf” and “Central Buyers” Services
Overview Requests for Expression of interest in offering “Agent-on-Behalf” services and “Central buyers” services, in the context of the demand aggregat...
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