PRISMA offers services to a variety of stakeholders in the energy market. Therefore, you may register your company on the platform as a (1) TSO, (2) SSO, (3) LSO and/or (4) Shipper.
Company Types
1. TSO: a Transmission System Operator is a company that owns and runs the transport gas infrastructure in a particular market area or country. To market transport gas capacity on the PRISMA Platform, you must register as a TSO.
2. SSO: a Storage System Operator is a company that owns and runs storage gas facilities in a particular market area or country. To market storage gas capacity on the PRISMA Platform, you must register as a SSO.
3. LSO: a LNG System Operator is a company that owns and runs liquified natural gas terminals in a particular market area or country. To market LNG capacity on the PRISMA Platform, you must register as an LSO.
4. Shipper: a Shipper is company that trades gas and wishes to transport or store their commodity throughout a particular market area or country. To purchase either transport or storage capacity on the PRISMA Platform, you must register as a Shipper.