What is Ex-Post Conversion?

Modified on: Wed, 6 Apr, 2022 at 10:18 AM



As of 2022, ex-post conversion will be available at network points of TSOs subscribing to the Capacity Management module.

This means that shippers will be able to request the conversion of an unbundled to a bundled contract after the bundled auction has taken place already (unlike at the moment, where conversion must be requested when placing a bid in the bundled auction).


If you would like to convert your unbundled contract to a bundled one, please keep in mind the following requirements:

  • Only bundled firm (FZK, DZK) long term primary capacity bookings can undergo an ex-post conversion request.

  • The conversion request must be submitted within working 3 days (Mo-Fr) after the closure of the auction where the capacity was allocated. For example, for an auction which closed on Thursday at 18:00h, a conversion can be requested until Tuesday 18:00h.

  • Once a conversion request has been created, a TSO user has 72 working hours to accept or reject it.

To know how to create an ex-post conversion request, please refer to How Do I Create an Ex-Post Conversion Request? 

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