4. Target Format Population

Modified on: Fri, 12 May, 2023 at 3:00 PM


This chapter focusses on PRISMA’s interpretation of the data fields listed in Table 4 of the Annex to REMIT Implementing Act (EU) No 1348/2014. 

The relevant data fields will be populated in compliance with the ACER REMIT Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM) and Annex II to TRUM, which contains ‘Examples of Transaction Reporting’.   

In case of two reporting entities, trading with each other on the secondary market and both having signed a data reporting agreement with PRISMA, two trade reports with the respective contractual part of the transaction will be sent out.  

PRISMA may convert all non-Euro denominated values into Euro before assembling the report by using the latest available  European Central Bank foreign exchange reference rate for the currency conversion valid for the day of the execution of the transaction. 

4.1. General Data Fields for Class ‘GasCapacityAllocations_Document 

Data field 


Description of accepted values 



Value description – PRISMA 


Unique identifier of the message document assigned by the issuer. 

EIC, timestamp 

Alphanumeric (max. 35 characters) 


The identification will be set to a concatenated string that consists of the shipper’s EIC, a separator (‘_’) and a timestamp (format: YYYYMMDDhhmmsszzz). 


The document version is used to identify a given version of a Gas Capacity Allocations Document. 


Numeric (max. 3 characters) 


The value is initially set to 1.  

The value shall be incremented by 1 in case an update message regarding the same object is performed and the update contains changes to the previous version.  

Each resend of the document will have the same version as the last message. 


The type of the Gas Capacity Allocations Document. 


Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 


The value is set to ‘ANI’ (= Capacity allocation information) for each message. 


The timestamp of the message’s creation in xs:dateTime format. 




The timestamp of the message’s creation in xs:dateTime format. 


The start and end date and time of the period of validity covered in the document. 




For CFO/ FCFS/ OTC trades this element shall contain the proposal’s creation date and time as well as the date and time of the trade conclusion (date and time of the confirmation by the TSO). 


For external trades, this element contains the date and time the trade was created and the date and time the report was submitted. 

The respective timestamps are separated by ‘/’; the dates have format YYYY-MM-DD, the time has format hh:mmZ; dates and time are separated with ‘T’. 






The element contractReference is optional and will not be used in the messages according to this document. 






The element contractType is optional and will not be used in the messages according to this document 






The element applicationContext is optional and will not be used in the messages according to this document. 

  1. 4.2 Common Data Fields 

The following data fields defined in the Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM) issued by ACER shall be part of any report to ACER. They will be complemented by additional fields from the REMIT Reporting Process issued by the Edig@s Workgroup 


Data field 


Description of  

accepted values 



Value description - PRISMA 


Sender identification 

The identification of the party who has issued the document which is the EIC of PRISMA. 

In case, reporting through ACER channel is not part of this contract, the identification of the party which who has issued the document which is the the EIC of another RRM. 

  • EIC X 

  • ACER code 

Alphanumeric (max. 16 characters 
for EIC / max. 12 characters for ACER code) 


The element shall contain PRIMA’s EIC, that is ‘21X000000001225H’, if the ACER reporting channel is activated.  

The element shall contain another RRM’s EIC  if the ACER reporting channel is not activated. 

The codingScheme attribute shall contain the code ‘305’. 


Market role of issuer 

Identification of the role that the party who has issued the document is playing.  


Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 


According to the Edig@s Implementation Guidelines only the following codes are permitted: ZSO (System Operator), ZUJ (Auction Office) and ZUF (Capacity platform operator). Since none of the codes fits to the shipper/transport customer role, it is foreseen to use the code ‘ZUF’. 


Recipient identification 

The identification of the party who is receiving the document which is ACER.  




The element shall contain ACER’s EIC. The value is set to ‘10X1001B1001B61Q’ as per default. 

The codingScheme attribute shall contain the code ‘305’.    


Market role of recipient 

The role being played by the recipient of the document for this transmission. The recipient is ACER. 




The element shall contain the value ‘ZUA’, which is the code for ‘Market Information Aggregator’. 


Organised market place identification 

Identification of the organised market place. 

  • EIC X 

  • ACER code 

Alphanumeric (max. 16 characters 

for EIC / max. 12 characters for ACER code) 


For CFO/FCFS, The element shall contain the EIC of PRISMA. The value is set to ‘21X000000001225H’as per default. 

For OTC and for external trades, this field will be filled in by default with 21X-XXXXXXXXXXXY, unless the user changes this when submitting the external trade.  

The codingScheme attribute shall contain the code ‘305’.    


Process identification 

The identification of the auction or other process as defined by the capacity allocation entity 

ID that clearly identifies the allocation 

Alphanumeric (max. 35 characters) 


The identification is set to the identification of the respective trade. 


Type of gas 

Identifies the type of gas. 

HC1 = High Calorific, LC1 = Low Calorific 

Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 


The following codes shall be used in accordance to the type of gas: 

  • In case the type of gas is “H gas” the element shall contain the code ‘HC1’.  

  • In case the type of gas is “L gas” the element shall contain the code ‘LC1’.   


Transportation transaction identification 

A uniquely assigned identification number for the allocation made between the transferor and transferee as assigned by the Platform Operator or as agreed between the Balancing group(s)/shipper(s) for bilaterally agreed capacity allocations.  

Deal ID Code 

Alphanumeric (max. 35 characters) 



The element shall contain the trade ID. 



Creation date and time 

Creation date and time of the transaction. 


ISO 8601 date format using UTC time format 

Timestamp (max. 30 characters) 


The element shall contain the timestamp of the trade when it was approved by the respective Transmission System Operator(s). 


Auction open date and time 

The date and time that an auction is open for bidding. If the process of allocation does not involve an auction or call for orders, this field shall be left blank. In case of CFO procedure this shall be the date and time when the proposal was created.  

ISO 8601 date format using UTC time format 

Timestamp (max. 30 characters) 

Yes (if applicable)  

If the process of allocation does not involve an auction or call for orders, the field will be left blank.  

For CFO, the element shall contain the secondary proposal’s creation timestamp. 


Auction end date and time 

The date and time that an auction closes. If the process of allocation does not involve an auction (e.g. secondary allocations outside an organised market place), or in case of call for orders, this field shall be left blank. 

ISO 8601 date format using UTC time format 

Timestamp (max. 30 characters) 

Yes (if applicable)  

 If the process of allocation does not involve an auction (e.g. secondary allocations outside an organised market place), or in case of call for orders, this field will be left blank. 

For CFO, the element shall contain the timestamp of the end of the submission window. 


Transportation transaction type 

The type identifies the nature of transportation transaction to be reported in accordance with current applicable industry standards as specified by Gas Network code on Interoperability and Data Exchange. 

Refer to EDIGAS Code list document for valid codes 

Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 


The Edig@s Code “ZSZ” (= Secondary market procedure) will be used for any message. 


Start date and time 

Date and time of the start of the transportation transaction runtime. 

ISO 8601 date and time format using UTC time format (YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ) 

Timestamp (max. 30 characters) 


The element shall contain the trade’s runtime start (date and time). 


End date and time 

Date and time of the end of the transportation transaction runtime. 

ISO 8601 date and time format using UTC time format (YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ) 

Timestamp (max. 30 characters) 


The element shall contain the trade’s runtime end (date and time). 


Offered capacity 

The quantity of capacity available in the auction or call for orders expressed in the measure unit.  


Numeric (max. 17 characters, including a decimal point) 

Yes (if applicable) 

If the process of allocation does not involve an auction or call for orders, the field will be left blank.  

For CFO, the value reported will be the capacity available expressed in the measure unit. 


Capacity category 

Applicable capacity category 

Refer to EDIGAS Code list document for valid codes 

Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 


The following codes shall be used for the capacity categories: 

  • ‘Z06’ for “firm”  

  • ‘ZFB’ for “firm additional”  

  • ‘ZEQ’ for “FZK”  

  • ‘ZEQ’ for “FZKc”  

  • ‘ZFB’ for “FZKinc”  

  • ‘ZER’ for “bFZK”  

  • ‘ZES’ for “BZK”  

  • ‘ZET’ for “DZK” 

  • ‘Z05’ for “interruptible” 

  • ‘ZFA’ for “interruptible level 1” 

  • ‘ZFA’ for “interruptible level 2” 

  • ‘ZFA’ for “interruptible level n” 

  • ‘ZFA’ for “backhaul capacity” 

  • ‘ZFA’ for “backhaul level 1” 

  • ‘ZFA’ for “backhaul level 2” 

  • ‘ZFA’ for “backhaul level n” 

  • ‘ZFA’ for “uBZK 

  • ‘ZFA’ for “UKc 


  1. 4.3 Data fields for lifecycle reporting 

The following data fields shall be part of any report to ACER regarding transaction reporting lifecycle events: 


Data field 


Description of  

accepted values 



Value description - PRISMA 


Action Type 

Status code of the report to be reported in accordance with current applicable industry standards. 

Refer to EDIGAS Code list document for valid codes. 


Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 


The following codes shall be used in accordance with the ACER TRUM: 

  • 62G = Active indicating that the report is valid and has never been updated. 

  • 63G = Cancelled’ indicating that the report is not valid anymore as the contract has been terminated or cancelled before the period runtime starts. 

  • 66G = Changed’ indicating that the report initially submitted had to be modified due to a business decision (e.g., modification of the delivery profile). 

  • 75G = Correction’ indicating that the report initially sent had an error and thus had to be corrected. 

  1. 4.4 Data fields for quantity and price reporting 

The following data fields shall be part of any report to ACER regarding capacity quantity and price: 


Data field 


Description of  

accepted values 



Value description - PRISMA 



Total number of units allocated with the transportation transaction as expressed in the measure unit.  


Numerical (max. 17 characters, including decimal point) 


The element shall contain the trade’s quantity amount.  

Within the CFO procedure that resulted in a capacity allocation, all unmatched orders that did not end with a transaction (with allocated capacity), would have this field filled with “0”(zero) 


Measure unit 

The unit of measurement used for all the quantities expressed within a time series. 




Refer to EDIGAS Code list document for valid codes 

Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 



  • In case the physical unit of the secondary trade is “kWh/h” the code ‘KW1’ shall be used 

  • In case the physical unit of the secondary trade is “kWh/d” the code ‘KW2’ shall be used                                        

  • In case the physical unit of the external trade is “cm3/h” the code ‘MQ6’ shall be used 



The currency in which the monetary amount is expressed  

Refer to EDIGAS Code list document for valid codes 


List of international ISO 4217 currency codes (max. 3 characters) 



The element may contain the code ‘EUR’. If the original currency of the external trade is expressed in a currency other than EUR, the following codes may be reported: 
BGN = Bulgarian lev 

CHF = Swiss franc 

CZK = Czech koruna 

DKK = Danish krone 

GBP = Pound sterling 

HRK = Croatian kuna 

HUF = Hungarian forint 

ISK = Icelandic króna 

NOK = Norwegian krone 

PLN = Polish złoty 

RON = Romanian new leu 

SEK = Swedish krona/kronor 

USD = U.S. dollar 


Total price 

Reserve price at time of the auction plus auction premium or regulated tariff in case of other allocation mechanism than auction.  


Numeric ISO 6093 (max. 17 characters) 


The value ‘0.0’ shall be used as predefined default value for all messages. 


Fixed or floating reserve price 

Identification of the type of reserve price. 

ZO7 = Fixed Price 

ZO8 = Floating Price 

Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 


This element is not applicable to secondary allocations and will not be used in the messages reporting secondary allocations. 


Reserve price 


The identification of the reserve price for the auction.  


Numeric ISO 6093 (max. 17 characters) 

Yes (if available) 

The element reserve_Price.amount will be used in the messages for allocations occurring via auctions where a reserve price applies. 


Premium price 

 The identification of the premium price for the auction. 


Numeric ISO 6093 (max. 17 characters) 

Yes (if available) 

The element premium_Price.amount will be used in the messages for allocations occurring via auctions where a premium price applies. 

  1. 4.5 Data fields for identification of location and market participant 

The following data fields shall be part of any report to ACER regarding identification of location and market participant: 


Data field 


Description of  

accepted values 



Value description - PRISMA 


Network point identification 

The identification of the network point to which the allocated capacity refers to.  

EIC (type Y, Z or W). 

Alphanumeric (max. 16 characters)  


The EIC for the network point to which the allocated capacity refers to, will be used for this element. 



Specification of bundling. 

ZEO = Bundled capacity 

ZEP = Unbundled capacity 

Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 

 Yes (if available) 

  • In case of an ‘unbundled’ trade the element shall contain the code ‘ZEP’. 

  • In case of a ‘bundled’ trade the element shall contain the code ‘ZEO’.   



Specification of direction of the transportation transaction 

Refer to EDIGAS Code list document for valid codes 

Alphanumeric (max. 3 characters) 


  • For an ‘unbundled’ trade the element shall contain the code ‘Z03’ if the direction is “exit” or ‘Z02’ if the direction is “entry”.  

  • For a ‘bundled’ trade the element shall contain the code ‘Z03’ as a default.   


TSO 1 identification 

The identification of the Transmission System Operator for which the data reporting is made.  

  • EIC 

  • ACER code 

Alphanumeric (max. 16 characters for EIC / max. 12 characters for ACER code) 


  • In case of an ‘unbundled’ trade the element shall contain the EIC of the respective TSO. 

  • In case of a ‘bundled’ trade the element shall contain the EIC of the TSO who owns the exit network point.   

The codingScheme attribute shall contain the code ‘305’. 


TSO 2 identification  

The identification of the counter Transmission System Operator. 

  • EIC 

  • ACER code 

Alphanumeric (max. 16 characters for EIC / max. 12 characters for ACER code) 

Yes (if available) 

The element shall only be used in case of a ‘bundled’ trade and in this case, shall contain the EIC of the TSO who owns the entry network point.   

The codingScheme attribute shall contain the code ‘305’. 


Market participant identification 

The market participant to which the capacity is assigned. 

  • EIC X-type 

  • ACER code 

Alphanumeric (max. 16 characters for EIC / max. 12 characters for ACER code) 


This element shall contain the EIC of the shipper on whose behalf the report is sent. 


Balancing group or portfolio code 

The balancing group (or balancing groups in case of bundled products) to which the shipper belongs, or the portfolio code used by the shipper if a balancing group is not applicable. 


Alphanumeric (max. 35 characters) 

Yes (if available) 

  • In case of an ‘unbundled’ secondary trade the element shall (if applicable) contain the balancing group/ portfolio code associated to the shipper by the respective TSO 

  • In case of a ‘bundled’ secondary trade the element shall contain (if applicable) the balancing group(s)portfolio code(s) associated to the shipper by the respective TSOs. 

The codingScheme attribute shall contain the code ‘ZSO, whereas for EIC codes it shall be equal to “305”. 

  1. 4.6 Data fields applicable only for secondary allocations 

The following data fields shall be part of any report to ACER regarding identification of location and market participant: 


Data field 
