Charge Conversion

Modified on: Wed, 22 May, 2024 at 12:07 PM


Platform performs a charge conversion for the following units and values. The following table provides the overview of the supported charge conversion. The table exemplary only refers to the flow unit "kWh/h". In case the concerned network point(s) are configured to the flow unit "kWh/d" the blue marked parts ("kWh/h") would be in the unit "kWh/d":



  1. Monetary Units with a quantity axis and a specified runtime axis
  • ct/kWh/h/h, ct/kWh/h/d, ct/kWh/h/m, ct/kWh/h/q, ct/kWh/h/y
  • €/kWh/h/h, €/kWh/h/d, €/kWh/h/m, €/kWh/h/q, €/kWh/h/y
  1. Monetary Units with a quantity axis and a specified runtime axis
  • If unit is € multiply by 100
  • If runtime is D/M/Q/Y, divide by number of days in the specific runtime axis
  1. D  D: 1
  2. M  D: 28, 29, 30, 31*
  3. Q  D: 90, 91, 92*
  4. Y  D: 365, 366*
  • If runtime is H, multiply by the number of hours in the specific runtime axis
  1. H  D: 23, 24, 25**
  1. Monetary Units with a quantity axis and an unspecified runtime axis
  • ct/kWh/h, ct/kWh/h/period
  • €/kWh/h, €/kWh/h/period
  1. Monetary Units with a quantity axis and an unspecified runtime axis
  • If unit is € multiply by 100
  • If runtime interval is >= D, divide by the number of days in the runtime interval of the underlying deal
  • If runtime interval is H, multiply by the exact number of hours in the runtime interval
  1. Absolute Monetary Units
  • ct
  1. Absolute Monetary Units
  • If unit is € multiply by 100
  • If runtime interval is >= D, divide by the number of days in the runtime interval of the underlying deal
  • If runtime interval is H, multiply by the exact number of hours in the runtime interval
  • Divide by the amount in kWh/h of the underlying deal


  • depending on exact days of concerned calendar period 
    • depending on exact hours of concerned day

Delimitations for charge conversion on the platform are as follows:

  • If the Unit of an underlying deal (Primary, Secondary, External) is not part of one of the three groups (see table above), the underlying regulated tariff cannot be used and only the checkbox is provided.
  • The trade proposal and response dialogues always use ct/kWh/h/d or ct/kWh/d/d as unit.
  • The auction surcharge is also converted.
  • The conversion is only applicable if the underlying deal is a primary deal (known deal-ID), secondary trade or external deal (uploaded via interface by TSO).
  • No conversion for underlying deal source "manual" (responsibility of the shipper to enter information).
  • Only used in case of "capacity assignment".
  • All FCFS bookings have to have units from group b) or c)

The rounding are the same as already used for the platform. The same applies to the digits after the decimal point (8 digits are shown; calculation is done internally with 23 digits).

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