On the PRISMA platform, you have the possibility to participate in within-day auctions, which are one of the short-term auction types.
Note: Before you can participate in an auction, please make sure you have all the necessary requirements as outlined in How to Know if You Are Ready to Take Part in an Auction?
To take part in a within-day auction, do as follows:
1. Log into your PRISMA account;
2. Click on "Transport" at the top blue menu;
3. Under "Live and Upcoming Auctions," click on "Join Now" in the within-day auction tile:
4. Now, choose from the list the auction in which you want to participate. You can display either your favorite network points or all of them.
5. You can also filter more by clicking on the funnel icon and expanding the additional filters:
6. You will notice that you can see the details of all auctions, but you can only place bids in auctions offered by TSOs you have an active assignment to.
7. After you click on "Bid", the auction details open and you will be able to insert your bid in the form;
8. Fill in the minimum and maximum amount as well as the surcharge;
9. If applicable, insert your balancing group and/or portfolio code;
10. If applicable, you can choose whether you want to perform an upgrade or conversion of capacity;
11. Accept the TSO(s)'s GTCs;
12. Then, click on "Bid":
13. Once you have confirmed it, you will be redirected to the auctions overview and a green info box will inform you of your successful bid.
13. You can always view, edit or delete your bid and add a new bid from the within-day auctions overview or your activity feed: