Within-Day Auction Overview

Modified on: Wed, 14 Feb, 2024 at 4:25 PM


Basic information

Within-Day auctions take place every day, beginning at the full hour, every hour of the day. 

Bearing in mind!

  • Within-Day auctions are processed based on the uniform-price auction algorithm (same as for Day-Ahead auctions)
  • There is no comfort bidding functionality for Within-Day auctions
  • Within-Day auctions are published and started at the same time
  • Every Within-Day auction finishes 3.5 hours before the product runtime

Auction schedule

  • Day-ahead auction for the product runtime of the next gas day takes place every day at 16:30 CE(S)T
  • The first Within-Day auction has the same runtime (06:00-06:00) and starts at 19:00 CE(S)T
  • The Within-Day auction for 24h products is longer and lasts until 02:30 CE(S)T
  • Every consecutive Within-Day auction starts at the full hour and lasts for 30 minutes. Every hour the product runtime is reduced by 1 hour
  • The last Within-Day auction starts at 01:00 – 01:30 for the runtime of 05:00 – 06:00 of the same gas day.

Within-Day auctions for different gas days will be conducted in parallel


Day-Ahead auction bids for the first slot can be rolled over for the first Within-Day auction (only if no capacity was allocated to the shipper user during the Day-Ahead Auction)

Bearing in mind!

  • The bid will only be placed if:

     i) the TSO(s) offer(s) capacity in the respective auction at the concerned network point and if

     ii) there was no cancellation and/ or interruption of the respective Day-Ahead auction. The starting price and the capacity of the Within-Day auction might differ from the one of the Day-Ahead auction.

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